Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Too Much Reading

Reading Arthur Schopenhauer's "On Thinking for Oneself" was very enlightening. It made me realize what it really means to be a thinker. Serious study for me will never be the same again.

Before I thought that reading more will help people grow wiser. Schopenhauer thought otherwise because he believed that too much reading is counterproductive. Why? because the more people read the less the less they think.

Reading is a passive activity. You merely understand the message writers wish to convey. Reflective thinking is proactive because you cultivate your own ideas.

In the end what matters most is not the amount of books a person read but the novelty of a person's ideas. Greatness is measured by the creativity and usefulness of people's ideas and not on how much they know.

Illustrations Cited:



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Anonymous said...
